Te Ao Mana creates opportunities for Pacific Islanders to connect to their artistic heritages, explore their creative processes, and present contemporary performances to Pacific Islander and Non Pacific Islander audiences. These opportunities share holistic depictions of contemporary Pacific Islanders that disrupt dominant cultural narratives about Pacific Islander people.

Tradition and Innovation

Established in 2016 by Founders/Directors Anthony Aiu and Kaina Quenga, Te Ao Mana expands the presence of Polynesian culture worldwide through the creation of new work, specialized classes, workshops, and performances.

The group draws on their rich ancestry and focuses on connecting with their tupuna, (ancestors), ancient genius, while simultaneously navigating its contemporary application.

Building Community

Building Community

According to the US census, over 40,000 Pacific Islanders live in New York, yet there is little representation and no citywide programming focusing on the pacific island diaspora.

Te Ao Mana’s mission continues to harmoniously grow and nurture the Pacific Island community. We want our voices to be heard and to share our stories. We will continue to create space for artists and cultural practitioners of all genres to flourish.

Some of our most memorable and touching experiences and greatest learning comes from our collaborations and working with the native and indigenous communities we associate with. We learn so much from each other, how alike some of our traditions are and always eager to find new ways to support and uplift each other.

Native / Indigenous Alliances

Specialized Movement Practices

Dive into cultural learning through movement. Register for Ori Tahiti and Hula class and learn the fundamentals of our traditional dance practices and their foundational value. Subscribe to our newsletter to learn when classes are open.

Cultural Advocacy

“If not you, then who?

And if not now, then when?”

-Anake Pua Case